A. H. Ostmo

A. H. Ostmo

Books Published: 1

Books Started: 4

Books Imagined: too many


Beliefs: Follower of Jesus

Countries Travelled: 11



a h ostmo and sheep named curly

Born in a big family to teen parents, A. H. Ostmo grew up in a mountain town near Crater Lake. She was a strange kid who liked natural disaster movies (Twister and Dante’s Peak) and loved being near a volcano, wild animals, cool rocks, and the ocean. Despite humble beginnings and failed experiments to create a living Pokemon, A. H. Ostmo graduated from Harvard and Cambridge and traveled the world with Youth With A Mission. A. H. Ostmo currently works at the School of the Biological Sciences at the University of Cambridge. Her writing is inspired by nature, science, cultures, beauty, pain, and the search for truth.

From Oregon


Likes weird creatures


Usually outdoors